The First Call Running Club is dedicated to promoting good health through distance running. Our events are low key, designed for those who are fairly self sufficient. There are water/Gatorade stops along the way, where you can refill your bottle (no cups on the course). There is food at the start/finish area provided by the club and by potluck donation. There is no cost run. Donations are appreciated, and these keep our runs going. Donations are used to pay for event costs, ie permits, insurance, food, supplies, improvements for future races etc. Left over funds are donated to charity. We are a chartered group of the RRCA. Annual Dues (donation) of $25 is requested for club membership.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Call of the Wild May 23, 2009 Results

1. 204 Scott Sebelsky.......10:31:49………3:31:49
2. 503 Ryan McKnight.........10:31:55……3:31:55
3. 220 Paul David.............10:48:23………3:48:23
4. 304 Bruce Lind.............10:54:15………3:54:15
5. 213 Jae Jung.................11:07:24………4:07:24
6. 223 Patty McKerney.....10:10:31………4:10:31
6. 214 Rob Hester.............10:10:31………4:10:31
8. 218 Jeff Loen................10:25:54………4:25:54
9. 201 Adrian Call.............11:29:53………4:29:53
10. 501 Linda Barton..............11:36:38……4:36:38
10. 504 Valerie Beyer.............11:36:38……4:36:38
12. 206 Marie Zornes..........11:40:33………4:40:33
12. 303 Flo Lind..................11:40:33………4:40:33
14. 205 Jim Boyd................11:42:50………4:42:50
15. 208 Ron Foss.................11:43:48………4:43:48
16. 216 Jill Hudson..............10:46:24………4:46:24
17. 217 Linda Walter...........11:46:30………4:46:30
18. 210 Jessica Bienvenue...12:03:20………5:03:20
19. 207 Tory Klementsen.....12:19:11………5:19:11
20. 219 Ray Shaw.................11:23:33………5:23:33
21. 202 Mare Pyke................11:28:48………5:28:48
22. 215 Rich Menzel.............11:46:43………5:46:24
23. 203 Bob Dolphin.............12:07:39………6:07:39

1. 506 Robert Lopez........11:55:06………4:55:06
2. 505 Dean Kayler.........12:20:33………5:20:33
3. 507 Nancy Nash..........11:47:21………5:47:21

Half Marathon
1. 108 Michelle Cunningham...9:53:11………1:53:11
1. 516 Janice Cullen.................9:53:11………1:53:11
3. 112 Chandra Higgins...........9:57:49………1:57:49
4. 118 Karen Williams...........10:01:43………2:01:43
5. 106 Becky Ransom..........10:03:30………2:03:30
6. 119 Heather George.........10:03:46………2:03:46
7. 120 Catrena Sullivan........10:13:10………2:13:10
8. 101 Chrissie O'Brien.........10:13:13………2:13:13
9. 117 Kris Solem.................10:13:14………2:13:14
10. 107 Tamie Rogers.............10:14:11………2:14:11
11. 116 Robin Loen...................8:24:20………2:24:20
12. 114 Cathy Oehler.................9:27:58………2:27:58
13. 109 Megan Reuther............10:29:13………2:29:13
14. 111 Sarah Lucas.................10:31:19………2:31:19
15. 105 Gloria Hiroshima...........9:44:34………2:44:34
16. 104 Judd Williams .............10:54:35………2:54:35
17. 102 Shirley Monson..........10:54:40 ………2:54:40
17. 103 Larry Monson..............10:54:40………2:54:40
19. 115 Peter Storti...................11:10:40………3:20:40
20. 110 Trista Allen..................11:46:54………3:46:54

20 miles
302Starrla Johnson.............10:57:47………3:57:47
10 miles
Debi Williams

Male Marathon
1. 204 Scott Sebelsky.......10:31:49………3:31:49
2. 503 Ryan McKnight.........10:31:55……3:31:55
3. 220 Paul David.............10:48:23………3:48:23
4. 304 Bruce Lind.............10:54:15………3:54:15
5. 213 Jae Jung.................11:07:24………4:07:24
6. 214 Rob Hester.............10:10:31………4:10:31
7. 218 Jeff Loen................10:25:54………4:25:54
8. 201 Adrian Call.............11:29:53………4:29:53
9. 205 Jim Boyd................11:42:50………4:42:50…
10. 208 Ron Foss.................11:43:48………4:43:48
11. 219 Ray Shaw.................11:23:33………5:23:33
12. 215 Rich Menzel.............11:46:43………5:46:24
13. 203 Bob Dolphin.............12:07:39………6:07:39

Female Marathon
1. 223 Patty McKerney.....10:10:31………4:10:31
2. 501 Linda Barton..............11:36:38……4:36:38
2. 504 Valerie Beyer.............11:36:38……4:36:38
4. 206 Marie Zornes..........11:40:33………4:40:33
4. 303 Flo Lind..................11:40:33………4:40:33
6. 216 Jill Hudson..............10:46:24………4:46:24
7. 217 Linda Walter...........11:46:30………4:46:30
8. 210 Jessica Bienvenue...12:03:20………5:03:20
9. 207 Tory Klementsen.....12:19:11………5:19:11
10. 202 Mare Pyke................11:28:48………5:28:48

Male 50K
506 Robert Lopez........11:55:06………4:55:06
505 Dean Kayler.........12:20:33………5:20:33

Female 50K
507 Nancy Nash..........11:47:21………5:47:21